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Anchor 1
Overcoming Toxic Masculinity: Formidably Conquering the Fear of Failure
Overcoming Toxic Masculinity:
Formidably Conquering
the Fear of Failure

What is Toxic Masculinity? What failures do you fear? Fear can be a fatal foe of destiny but doesn’t equate defeat. Don’t risk exchanging a learning experience for a critical setback because your thought process is toxic. The power of choice grants each of our decisions with endless possibilities and outcomes. Don’t fear this power. Embrace it!


This book was written to help those suffering with identity crisis, especially men subjected to false perceptions of manhood that prevent them from achieving the fullness of their purpose. Don’t allow toxic masculinity and broken cultural systems to keep you from achieving all God has created you to become and produce. 


Humanity’s declining morale is in desperate need of God’s refining flame of fertility. Unlock your God-given capacity to birth forth purpose. Explore with me the practical applications that biblical principles have preserved, for us to overcome our fears, failures, and toxic behaviors.

Anchor 2
OTM: Formidably Conquering the Fear of Failure - The Workbook

Download this free interactive digital workbook. This tool was designed to help you work through the book, chapter by chapter; providing additional commentary and questionnaires structured to help you heal and grow. This workbook is a personal journal or diary that has fillable spaces beneath each question so you can record your responses and revisit your thoughts. 

OTM-Formidably Conquering the Fear of Failure -The Workbook
OTM: The Livelihood of Spiritual Tomb Raiders
- The Workbook -
Overcoming Toxic Masculinity:
The Livelihood of
Spiritual Tomb Raiders

What makes life worth living? What is the difference between a life of fulfillment and a life of regret? What is my purpose and how do I bring it to fruition? These are powerful questions that we all may ask ourselves at some point in our lives. No matter how wealthy or poor a person is financially, the abundance in one’s spirit that derives from true joy and satisfaction can evade the richest person but be found in the heart of the poorest person. How is this possible? What is true wealth? What is true prosperity? What truly matters in this life and the next? 


Each of us is a special formation; the culmination of so many contributing elements with the potential to be a substantial force of nature. Our Creator placed many of those elements beneath the surface for us to explore and expose. Everything that is beautiful inside of us, striving to be visible, longing to be free, are abundant reservoirs of relational-relevance from God.


Our Lord engineered us to be treasure hunters. Like an experienced geologist cracking open a rare geode for the first time, what may appear to be normal or mundane has a copious core full of potential and beauty. Each one of us has the personal joy and duty of exploring, examining, and excavating the crystals of greatness God has carefully and strategically embedded beneath the surface of our souls. May this book answer all the questions of your thirsting soul by leading you to the only Spring of Life that offers truth, purpose, and joy.

This tool was designed to help you work through the book, chapter by chapter; providing additional commentary and questionnaires structured to help you heal and grow. This workbook is a personal journal or diary that has fillable spaces beneath each question so you can record your responses and revisit your thoughts. 


Subscribe to my newsletter and receive this free interactive digital workbook. You’ll be emailed a link to download my free interactive workbook once you subscribe to my newsletter. If you are already subscribed, click the  "Free Download Here!" Button below. 


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Overcoming Toxic Masculinity:
Unpacking Toxic Masculinity

Humans were made in the image of God. We are not animals but imagers of our Creator. The Lord saw fit to make Adam first then Eve. He made humans male and female. Yahweh Elohim, our Lord God, is the King of the universe and determined in His divine wisdom that humanity would exist in His likeness to do on earth what He does in heaven - reign!


To be made in the image of our Most High God is no small thing. To be His imager is to be like Him in essence and action. As children of the only Creator and Supreme Ruler of all creation, we are subject to His values, systems, government, and intent. It is our purpose and pleasure to serve at His leisure. 


In unpacking authentic masculinity, we'll review God's original plan for mankind. Understanding why our Creator designed humans to have binary genders is critical to fulfilling the dominion mandate the Lord initially designated for men and women, as equals, to carry out on the earth. 


As men, learning what authentic masculinity is will protect us from falling victim to toxic and perverted views of masculinity. Only our Creator can define and empower the distinct qualities of a man and a woman. Let us study God's glorious plan for us together...

Coming Soon!
OTM: Unpacking Authentic Masculinity
- The Workbook -

This tool was designed to help you work through the book, chapter by chapter; providing additional commentary and questionnaires structured to help you heal and grow. This workbook is a personal journal or diary that has fillable spaces beneath each question so you can record your responses and revisit your thoughts. 


Subscribe to my newsletter and receive this free interactive digital workbook. You’ll be emailed a link to download my free interactive workbook once you subscribe to my newsletter. If you are already subscribed, click the  "Free Download Here!" Button below. 

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