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You've been called to liberty in Christ but are you aware of your pending liberation?
Believers are a people of particular purpose and prompt passion. When God says to move, we should move and in His way. Unfortunately, America has been a nation of backslidden morals and perverse behaviors. The Way of the Lord has been inappropriately used to oppress and mislead many for the sake of pride and greed.
On the bright side, America has also been a breeding ground for freedom of speech and liberty of being. Racism and bigotry aside, many positive ideals have been able to thrive here over the years. Though we, Americans, are still working out our salvation with fear and trembling before the Lord (Philippians 2:12), many are fighting diligently for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
That fight has won us Juneteenth and Father’s Day, along with many other wonderfully honorary holidays. On January 1st, 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Abraham Lincoln. All slaves were declared free by the government but it wouldn’t be until June 19th, 1865 that slaves in Galveston Bay, Texas were freed by Union troops.
Those Texan slaves who were freed that day, referred to that day of jubilee as “Juneteenth”. Though “Juneteenth” wouldn’t become a federal holiday until June 19th, 2021, the U.S. government's executive decree to free all slaves was finally initiated. With Galveston Bay being the last actively Confederate community, liberation by physical force freed that enslaved population of roughly 250,000 people.

Juneteenth Is A Symbol of Liberty, Not Just A Recollection of Freedom!
Why is Juneteenth important? Why shouldn’t Juneteenth be downplayed or taken for granted? Many people groups throughout history have been enslaved. Though Europeans are at the tail-end of this egregious behavior in our history’s known timeline, they are not the first. In the Bible alone, we have historical records that reference enslavement by nations such as Egypt, Babylon, and Israel.
Though the Bible denotes these events, the Bible does not condone the behaviors associated with slavery. In fact, slavery was only a form of punishment allowed towards a rebellious nation but only permitted for a set period of time. Many readers may take issue with this but God is sovereign and sets the rules. However, the Biblical view of God reveals plainly that Yahweh never intended for humans to rule over other humans like property but to steward over one another like prized possessions.
The Lord created us in His image and likeness, to have dominion over all creation except for other humans. In the Bible’s description of creation, humans are not animals but the glory of God (Genesis 1:26-28). We are the only created beings that are recorded in His word to be made by His hands and breathed into by His direct essence (Genesis 2:7). Though the Bible refers to certain people groups or individuals as slaves, this is not always used with a negative connotation.
A Slave is a slave, or are they?
At times the term slave is used to describe a person who was dominated and forced into labor and kept as property (see Deuteronomy 5:15, Exodus 6:6). There are also those who are referred to as slaves but are hired servants and willingly work for pay (Exodus 21:1-11). But within the Gospel narrative, a slave of Christ is one who voluntarily submits their will to the will of God (see Joshua 1:2, 2 Samuel 10:2, Ephesians 6:6, Colossians 3:24, and 1 Peter 2:16).
With these examples in mind, consider what the Bible says in Exodus 21:16 and Deuteronomy 24:7:
“ Whoever kidnaps another man must be put to death, whether he sells him or the man is found in his possession.”
-Exodus 21:16
“If a man is caught kidnapping one of his Israelite brothers, whether he treats him as a slave or sells him, the kidnapper must die. So you must purge the evil from among you.”
-Deuteronomy 24:7
Though you will have some who say the Bible accepts and even promotes slavery is wrong. These two scriptures are clear on how God actually perceives being kidnapped and forced into slave labor. Though God permits slavery (forced labor and possession) in certain scenarios, He always rescues His people from this type of punishment once they repent and turn back to Him. The Lord would not refer to this type of behavior (slavery) as an “evil” that must be purged from among His people if He intended for humans to have dominion (absolute ownership) over other humans.
Understanding that God desires for us to have liberty in Him, our freedom to serve out of the love in our hearts rather than the fear of punishment is how we should enslave ourselves to one another. We are far too valuable to our Creator to abuse our positions of authority and accumulation of power towards each other.
Unfortunately the sex-trade, child-labor, and other methods of slavery still exist today. Let us pray that freedom will come to all. Let us combat the powers of darkness with prayer and fasting. Let us continue to be mindful of those who are in abusive relationships and oppressive circumstances, fighting for justice and liberty for all.
As we celebrate Juneteenth this month, let’s consider how we can use the liberty we have in Christ to share the Gospel so that others may be freed in the Spirit. Petition God that His justice will be swift and magnificent against those who enslave others. Each one of us has a part to play in helping others escape the darkness of this world. Working together, we can fight for the relief of others as we lead them to their emancipation in Christ.

Scripture Reference:
Galatians 5:1 (NASB)
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."
Thank You and God Bless!
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