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suitable soil & Soil Degradation

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In God’s sight we are all delicate flowers, potted in His purpose and showered in His Word, so that we may thrive in the light of His Son...

Soil is often considered poor or unsuitable when it has low quality, making it challenging to work with or unable to support plant and animal life. Various physical, chemical, and biological factors can contribute to a decline in soil quality, including:

Soil degradation: This term refers to the loss of soil's ability to support life due to a decline in its physical, chemical, or biological properties. Causes include erosion, depletion of organic matter, changes in salinity, acidity, or alkalinity, and exposure to toxic chemicals or excessive flooding.

Soil type: Certain soil types, such as sandy soil, are considered poor for agriculture because they lack nutrients and have poor water retention. Others, like Type C soils, are unstable and potentially hazardous.

Soil conditions: Soil may also be deemed poor if it is difficult to work with, overly cloddy, loose, fine and sandy, "floury," or filled with stones and pebbles. These conditions can hinder water absorption and drainage, leading to potential flooding.

Good soil absorbs and brings forth life but bad soil is incapable of sustaining life.
Good Soil Vs. Soil Degradation

The Significance of good soil

Why is understanding soil important? Because Jesus Himself gives parables that refer to a person’s heart as a type of soil. The Gospel Jesus is preaching is hope to those in despair and light to those in darkness. The Word of the Lord is life itself, and life more abundantly! Though Jesus’ parables of “the sower” and of “the weeds" apply to all people, there is something special in the language He uses that is of great benefit to women.


As one who has a natural inclination to receive, absorb, cultivate, multiply, and enhance - women are fascinating imagers of God who, like soil, has a highly sensitive spiritual PH balance that must be maintained for maximal efficiency. The natural and supernatural ecosystem of a woman is complex and powerful. The female human is a natural marvel, exquisite machine, and glamorous garden.


The way God designed the woman to operate in complementing dominion is an admirable wonder. As incredible as the female counterpart of humanity is, she must choose to be an available space for God to cultivate before achieving her masterful duties of sovereignty on earth. In this way a woman can either choose to be a bed of roses or a slab of dust. The condition of her soil makes all the difference.

Avoiding soil degradation

In order for your heart to become suitable soil, you must avoid soil degradation. Life has a way of eroding away at our faith, understanding, stability, and overall retention of biblical principles. Contrary to popular belief, we are all responsible for the nourishment of our own soil. Our hearts are within us, not our loved ones or haters. We must do what is necessary to enrich our hearts with the Word of the Lord.


Yes, all of us can come up with a million excuses on why we’re closed off and done with the church. Some use and abuse us while others try to dominate and manipulate us. Abuse robs us all of essential nutrients. But just because you’re done with people who have failed you and prayers that seem to go unheard, will you give up on Jesus? Will you reject the discipline of making sure your prayers align with the will and intent of God before you throw the baby out with the bath water? Are you willing to sacrifice time in the shade for growth in the sun?


If you’re willing to let the seeds of your past die so that the flower of Christ can bloom in their place, I’m certain that your quality of life will improve along with your circumstance, attitude, outlook, knowledge, and overall life experiences. God loves you! He really does! When you allow Him to love on you, the impossible can become possible. Let us now look into the parables that Jesus taught in Matthew 13. This chapter will help us identify, interpret, and initiate biblical principles that can drastically improve our soil's suitability.

If our hearts are robbed of the nutrients of the Gospel, how can we expect to flourish in fulfillment of His glory?
The soil we stand on is the soil we'll grow from.

In the blog to come

In the next blog, we'll continue discussing the parables of Jesus that use agricultural terminology to describe how the Gospel is dispersed amongst the hearts of mankind. In reviewing these parallels between a person's heart and good soil, the next blog will emphasize the different kinds of hearts that the good seed of the Gospel intends to penetrate and benefit. Matthew 13:18-23 describes the 4 types of soil that can exist within the hearts of people.

Make sure to stay tuned in for this next blog post. You won't wanna miss this word of encouragement and potential...

Scripture of Emphasis:

Matthew 13:23

"But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”


Thank You and God Bless!

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