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The Godly Visionary

Writer's picture: kingdomcitizensinckingdomcitizensinc

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What we see and how we interpret what we see should align with God's eye-view of things to come… 

According to Oxford Languages, a visionary is one who uses imagination and wisdom to think about or plan the future. Without material evidence, a visionary has the ability to map out an imaginary but obtainable version of the future based on original ideas or divine inspiration, as we see is the case by faith biblically. 

One fact I found to be interesting during my research was that the word visionary was highly used in the 1800’s before declining dramatically in use through 1900’s; rising again in popularity during the early 2000’s until plateauing in consistent use during the Covid pandemic. What was so surprising about this statistic?

For those unfamiliar with the 1800’s there were many technological breakthroughs that by imagination and innovation, societal and economical discoveries leaped into the future around the world. The eighteenth century incubated the explosion of the Industrial Revolution which in turn started the global transition of scientific and medical advancements.

Look with intent through the supernatural lens of the Lord
The Godly Visionary

Shifting innovations

A monumental shift occurred, beginning in 1760 with the perfection of the steam engine that revolutionized Britain's culture and economy. The world soon followed, transitioning through the agricultural revolution into the industrial revolution. Soon after, new technologies and discoveries around the world arose that overall benefited humanity’s quality of life as a whole.


Aseptic surgeries made child-birth and abdominal operations safer and more routine. Basic nutritional issues subsided with the understanding of microbes, bacteria, and vitamins. Telegraphic communications improved ocean navigation, making it safer to travel aquatically. With slavery formally abolished, the slave trade was being challenged globally. Prison reforms were refined and military branches were implementing properly upgraded training.

This is the work of visionaries. A visionary can predict what’s ahead of the curve, not because they are clairvoyant but because they refuse to allow their foresight and imagination to remain without application. If the carnal-minded natural-man can achieve such marvels without giving glory to God, imagine how much more capable we are in partnership with the Lord’s desired ingenuity at work in us!

Things To Consider About Vision

  1. God’s insight provides us with clear vision, timeless wisdom, and perfected guidance

    1. A God-centered vision induces purpose, fulfillment, and glory

  2. Vision includes what is, what is to come, and the appropriate response to what we see

  3. What a visionary is shown, what they see, and what they imagine are completely different things

  4. What I don’t know about vision in general will limit or hinder me as a visionary

  5. Do not compare your vision with the ideas of others but only to the inspiration of God

    1. Analyze but do not compare 

    2. See. Deuteronomy 13:1-3

  6. A visionary is worthless if they cannot appropriately interpret what they see, convey what they know, and effectively respond to what is and what is to come

    1. Understanding, obedience, and expedience are key

    2. See. Acts 9:1-19

  7. Vision is for purpose, not for clout or manipulative influence

    1. See. Habakkuk 3:3-4

  8. Scripture convey’s vision from 3 perspectives:

    1. The divine influence of God’s descriptive intercession

      1. God has a plan He wants us to know and implement

    2. Emphasis of the importance of heeding God’s vision

      1. The benefits of obedience Vs. the detriment of disobedience

    3. The folly of man’s limited perspective as opposed to God’s unlimited idea of purpose concerning mankind

      1. Man’s plans aside from God’s ordered steps vary vastly

Circumstantial Prophetic Conduct

Numbers 12:1-6 reflects on Miriam and Aaron’s offense towards Moses. As addressed in verse 3, Moses’ humility didn’t permit him to retaliate against his siblings and their situational disgust. As a result, the Lord immediately intervened, addressing Miriam, Aaron, and Moses concerning circumstantial prophetic conduct. 

We see here, a ‘when’ and ‘but’. This language is critical in understanding how the Lord conducts business when it comes to prophecy (visions and dreams). ‘When’ establishes general protocol concerning a prophet’s proximity and their role in that current community. However,  the ‘but’ is indicative of a specifically special circumstance of favor and intercession. 

To break this idea down… in the Old Testament, before Jesus Christ, individual prophets were called upon by the Lord to speak in His Name. Prophets were the mouthpieces God chose to instruct, correct, rebuke, and train in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). These prophets spoke to individuals but often spoke to the nation of Israel as a whole with sway that influenced and rivaled kings. 

Be the lookout who announces what you hear in the Spirit
Look & listen, speaking the truth in love...

The "but" Favor of the New Covenant in Christ

In contrast, the New Testament allows all believers to inherit the ‘but’ favor by which God spoke to Moses in Numbers 12:7 as we see in Joel 2:28 and again in Acts 2:17: 

Joel 2:28 (NIV)

“And afterward,

    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

    your old men will dream dreams,

    your young men will see visions.

Acts 2:17 (NIV) -Peter references Joel 2:28


“‘In the last days, God says,

    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

    your young men will see visions,

    your old men will dream dreams.

We no longer need to solely rely on a judge, prophet, priest or king to relay to us the Word and ways of God. Via the Holy Spirit, each individual believer has a direct line of communication to the Lord. We are individual temples, holy ground, filled with the Spirit of God as vessels cleansed in the blood of Christ, now redeemed with the mind of Christ as to be able to see visions and dream dreams. Our bodies are now the tabernacle and our hearts the mercy seat where our heavenly Father can dwell, conversing with His sons and daughters as intimately as He once spoke face to face with His servant Moses.


Thank You and God Bless!

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